Season 3: p105-106
Originally published: Friday, January 30 & February 6, 2015
Originally posted as single pages.
Revised: April 2020
Kristin touches her fingers together to receive a phone call, and so that she won’t be overheard she chooses telepath mode. By doing this, she can think her conversation instead of speaking it. A visual transmission is also possible with visual data assembly directly on her retina. All of this is possible due to bio cellular lenses that are part of her chipset package. We’ve seen her using this before and there is lots of chipset backstory in the prologues to Season 3. It’s great to have this kind of privacy, huh?
Apparently, the fact that Keiji-T can intercept telepathing is a feature that Kristin overlooked. Maybe she was distracted. But then again, when you’re dealing with this level of synthetic human technology it can be hard to keep track. Maybe this is a 22nd century version of unintended consequences. Telepathic interception was heretofore illegal and thought to be impossible due to the highly sophisticated brain-gate encryptions. So it would seem that now, law enforcement will able to track the evil plans of bad guys as soon as they telepath them. Now the question arises: Who exactly are the bad guys?
Hope you enjoy!
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