
Season 3: pi3-pii3

Originally published: Friday, July 11, 2014

Revised: April 2020

Season 3 Prologues

This begins the Prologue to Season 3, pages i and ii. As with Season 2, we begin with a series of double page spreads that give you new insights into the world of The Lightstream Chronicles. This spread is all about headjacking. (These pages are a bonus, by the way since normally I serve up a single page.) This particular spread was an enormous amount of work and is packed with detail. I hope that you zoom-in and give it an inspection.

Editors note: Part of the logic behind the madness of detail is to encourage you to both inspect and think about conent and themes—everything really!Though the technology in 2159 is levels of magnitude above the current states-of-the-art we are already on the brink of many of these  technologies. What will we make them, or allow them to become?

Hope you enjoy!

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